Doug Tallamy asks for our help on Drew Forest

NPSNJ stands with The Friends of the Drew Forest and Entomologist and Co-Founder of Homegrown National Park® Doug Tallamy to preserve the 53-acre Drew Forest from development. It is 2023 and long past time for the development of natural areas to stop. We call on Drew University, nicknamed “the University in the Forest” to preserve its heritage and sell the property as a market-value conservation purchase as well as on town, county, and state officials to work together to help the purchase. Take a look at this brief video by Doug in which he outlines how important such spaces are to reversing the decline of bird and insect species. Sign the petition below and get engaged. 

Native Plants Healthy Planet Podcast with NPSNJ President Dr. Randi Eckel

NPSNJ President Dr. Randi Eckel spoke on the Native Plants Healthy Planet Podcast with hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick in a broadcast recorded live, hosted by the Hudson County Chapter at The Nature’s Park Café in James Braddock Park, Jersey City. Dr. Eckel spoke about her journey through ecology, the role of the Native Plant Society in New Jersey in our state and even outlined some of her favorite native plants. You can listen to this podcast at Podbean, Apple Podcasts, or Stitcher.

The Fall 2022 Native Plant Society of New Jersey E-News

The Fall 2022 Issue of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey E-News is now available

We are delighted to announce that the Fall 2022 issue of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey E-News is available. A table of contents follows, and you can read all the stories at this link.

The President’s Corner by Randi Eckel
Rhodendron Maximum by Kazys Varnelis
Saturday Morning Poetry with Ann Wallace
Florid Folklore is Gold by Hara Rola
The New NPSNJ Web Site by Kazys Varnelis
Partridge Pea by John Suskewich
Plant Electric by Hara Rola


September 2022 Advocacy Update

Two bills currently before the state legislature have the potential for greatly impacting New Jersey’s environment. We at the Advocacy Committee as well as the Board of Directors of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey are asking for your support. Please write your legislators and let them know that it is important that these bills get heard in committee, voted on, and passed. 

Find your state representative and senator (here). It is best to write them, but you can also call and talk to someone at these offices. 

A3677/S2186: Prohibits Sale, Distribution, or Propagation of Certain Invasive Plant Species Without Permit From Department of Agriculture.

A bill has been introduced in the New Jersey legislature to ban the sale, distribution, or propagation of certain invasive species of plants. We critically need such legislation. We are only one of two states in the nation (along with Rhode Island) that does not have any such ban. The bill is by no means perfect, but it is good, an improvement over bills that were proposed in legislature in the past, and it allows for the addition of more species over time. (The provision that allows a permit allows research to be conducted on the invasive species; it doesn’t mean nurseries will have an easy pathway to selling invasives.) 

Coupled with our work with the Department of Agriculture to help with the Jersey Natives initiative, we believe that we can help the nursery trade move away from plants bad for our environment toward plants that are good for the environment and that belong in Jersey. 

You can read the full text here:

Key points to make when contacting your legislators about invasive species:

  • Invasive plant species are a serious environmental problem in New Jersey. These aggressive plants do not stay in the gardens where they are planted; their seeds spread into surrounding fields and woods, where they outcompete and crowd out native species.
  • Native plant species co-evolved, over millions of years, with local fauna. Many insects will only feed on very specific native species of plants; without the presence of those plants, the insects cannot reproduce. Monarch butterfly caterpillars, which can only feed on the milkweed plant, are the most famous example of this tight connection between native plants and native insects.
  • When we lose local insects, we also birds. Although adult birds may feed on seeds and other food sources, approximately 90% of bird species feed only insects to their young. No insects, no birds. The population of North American birds has dropped nearly 30% since 1970, according to data from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
  • New Jersey is only one of two states in the nation (along with Rhode Island) that does not have any such ban on invasive species.

A4468/S2956: Designates and Preserves Caven Point Peninsula in Liberty State Park as Natural Habitat.

Native plant enthusiasts and friends of the environment were dealt a blow when A4264/S2807, the “Liberty State Park Conservation, Recreation, and Community Inclusion Act,” was passed and signed by the Governor at the end of June, allowing commercial development of Liberty State Park in Jersey City. But we still have a chance to save Caven Point Natural Area. Senator Brian P. Stack introduced A4264/S2807 to preserve Caven Point as natural habitat and the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is essential that we preserve this critical habitat along the Atlantic flyway for 120 species of resident and migratory birds, the largest uninterrupted stretch of natural waterfront between the Verrazano and George Washington Bridges. Please contact both your state representatives and state senator and ask them to work to advance this bill. You can read news stories about this bill at the Jersey Journal and the New Jersey Monitor.

You can read the full text here:

Please mark your calendar Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10am for the Friends of Liberty State Park walk to Caven Point on its opening day of the season, to support the Caven Point protection bill. For those who cannot make that date, the Hudson chapter of the NPSNJ is organizing a smaller group walk through Caven Point on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 10am. If anyone is interested they can email .

There is more information about Caven Point including a fact sheet, slide show, video, news stories, etc. at Friends of Liberty State Park,

Key points to make when contacting your legislators about Caven Point:

  • The 22-acre Caven Point area within Liberty State Park is one of the last undisturbed natural estuaries in the New York City area. It is home to over 250 species of birds and provides an important stopover during migration.
  • The Caven Point nature trails and wetlands are a living classroom for ecology and biology education—especially for urban youth. Caven Point is a destination for field trips for local urban grade schools and high schools, as well as colleges. It is invaluable for providing knowledge of migration, conservation, endangered species, and other environmental issues to students in underserved communities students from Jersey City and beyond who have long been excluded from both access to nature as well as to pursuing ecology studies.
  • The protection of Caven Point is particularly critical following the passage in June of A4264/S2807, the “Liberty State Park Conservation, Recreation, and Community Inclusion Act,” which will lead to increased development of the park. There is currently nothing that prevents the development of this critical natural area – or that prevents it from becoming the last three holes that billionaire Paul Fireman has been coveting for his Liberty National Golf Club, which borders Liberty State Park.

Help Save Caven Point Peninsula

A4468/S2956: Designates and preserves Caven Point Peninsula in Liberty State Park as Natural Habitat.

Native plant enthusiasts and friends of the environment were dealt a blow when A4264/S2807, the “Liberty State Park Conservation, Recreation, and Community Inclusion Act,” was passed and signed by the Governor, allowing commercial development of Liberty State Park but we still have a chance to save Caven Point Natural Area. Senator Brian P. Stack introduced A4264/S2807 as natural habitat and the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is essential that we preserve this critical habitat along the Atlantic flyway for 120 species of resident and migratory birds, the largest uninterrupted stretch of natural waterfront between the Verrazano and George Washington Bridges. Please contact both your state representative and state senator and ask them to work to advance this bill. You can read news stories about this bill at the Jersey Journal and the New Jersey Monitor.

Find your state representative and senator here.

Please mark your calendar Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10am for the Friends of Liberty State Park walk to Caven Point on its opening day of the season, to support the Caven Point protection bill.

There is more information about Caven Point including a fact sheet, slide show, video, news stories, etc. at Friends of Liberty State

The Summer 2022 NPSNJ E-News is Here

The Summer 2022 Issue of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey E-News is now available.
We are delighted to announce volume 3, the Summer 2022 issue of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey E-News. A table of contents follows, and you can read all the stories at this link.

President’s Corner
by Randi Eckel, NPSNJ President

A welcome note from our new president, Randi Eckel, Ph.D.

Beyond the Choir
By Deb Ellis, Essex County Chapter Leader

Why outreach? The biodiversity crisis is severe, and daunting. But yard by yard, town by town, county by county, the native plant movement helps individuals be part of the solution.

Joe Pye Sky High
By Lorraine Freeney
Hudson County Chapter Co-Leader

Last summer, a Joe Pye weed rose up in Jersey City— twenty stories high and in full bloom, its leaves unfurling against the stark black background of an apartment building in one of the busiest sections of the city.

News from Hudson County Chapter
By Kim Correro
Hudson County Chapter Co-Leader

Our chapter’s mission is to help people understand the purpose of natives and make it easier for them to incorporate the plants into their home gardens, parks and greenspaces.

Phillips 66 Mini-Grant
Native Plant Habitat Gardens
Mahwah, NJ
By Linda Roehler

With our mini grant funds, from NPS we created a fern garden along the entire northeast side of the building adjacent to Darlington Brook.

Bog Asphodel
Narthecium americanum,
NPSNJ Plant of the Year
Category: Rare and Special
By John Suskewich
Essex Chapter

Narthecium americanum, Bog Asphodel, is a New Jersey gem, not only because it is rare, reclusive, native, and beautiful, but also because it has been extirpated over the years from all the other states in which it grew.

Downy Serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea
NPSNJ Plant of the Year
By John Suskewich
Essex Chapter

The common name of our other plant of the year, Amelanchier arborea, the Downy Serviceberry, is alleged by some to derive from its time of bloom early in the spring when the ground thawed and the burial service for those who died during winter months could finally be held.

Welcome to our New Web Site

Welcome to the new Native Plant Society of New Jersey Web Site. We are excited to move to a new content management system that will allow us to bring more benefits to our readers and our members. We are still in the process of moving over content from the old site, so some content may be temporarily unavailable. Do check out our brand new Events page to see what we are up to and participate. Missing something? Check out the old web site.