We have implemented a new system for managing your membership at NPSNJ. Members use a username and password to log in, check membership status, get access to special features and discounts for members, and access members’ only event ticketing and special features.
Start by selecting a membership below. Supporter, Patron, and Benefactor levels all offer the same benefits (four memberships), but are a way by which members can easily give more to NPSNJ. Corporate and Non-Profit are the same as Supporter, but for business or non-profit entities, as opposed to families. However, if businesses or non-profits wish to support us at patron or benefactor levels, that is fine too! We also have lifetime memberships.
The NPSNJ is classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible in full.
Afterwards, fill out the form on the next page, and once you have paid, you will be directed to a page to choose whatever newsletters you want to subscribe to and finally, to your custom membership information page (which you will also be able to see here if logged in).
If you have chosen a Family, Non-Profit, or Corporate membership, you will be able to add sub-accounts from the membership information page.
All memberships will last 365 days. You may renew early, but we will also e-mail you about renewal.
To send a gift membership, fill in your information (we need this for credit card processing), then select the box above the payment fields that reads “Is this a gift?” At the end of the process, you will be prompted to send a link to the recipient of the gift so they can sign up for their membership. You will be able to add a personal note as well.
If you are unable to submit your dues online, click this link to download our membership form and mail us a check. This will take up to two months to process and you will receive an e-mail with a userid and instructions on how to log on to the site when it is done.
More questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions about membership.