President’s Corner
by Randi Eckel, NPSNJ President
A welcome note from our new president, Randi Eckel, Ph.D.
Beyond the Choir
By Deb Ellis, Essex County Chapter Leader
Why outreach? The biodiversity crisis is severe, and daunting. But yard by yard, town by town, county by county, the native plant movement helps individuals be part of the solution.
Joe Pye Sky High
By Lorraine Freeney
Hudson County Chapter Co-Leader
Last summer, a Joe Pye weed rose up in Jersey City— twenty stories high and in full bloom, its leaves unfurling against the stark black background of an apartment building in one of the busiest sections of the city.
News from Hudson County Chapter
By Kim Correro
Hudson County Chapter Co-Leader
Our chapter’s mission is to help people understand the purpose of natives and make it easier for them to incorporate the plants into their home gardens, parks and greenspaces.
Phillips 66 Mini-Grant
Native Plant Habitat Gardens
Mahwah, NJ
By Linda Roehler
With our mini grant funds, from NPS we created a fern garden along the entire northeast side of the building adjacent to Darlington Brook.
Bog Asphodel
Narthecium americanum,
NPSNJ Plant of the Year
Category: Rare and Special
By John Suskewich
Essex Chapter
Narthecium americanum, Bog Asphodel, is a New Jersey gem, not only because it is rare, reclusive, native, and beautiful, but also because it has been extirpated over the years from all the other states in which it grew.
Downy Serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea
NPSNJ Plant of the Year
By John Suskewich
Essex Chapter
The common name of our other plant of the year, Amelanchier arborea, the Downy Serviceberry, is alleged by some to derive from its time of bloom early in the spring when the ground thawed and the burial service for those who died during winter months could finally be held.