The Sussex Chapter is the northernmost chapter of NPSNJ in New Jersey. Begun in 2015 with a group of native plant enthusiasts, we have expanded to 41 members who enjoy observing native plant habitats in our county’s numerous state parks and gardens. Our members include people who are also passionate about birds, butterflies, moths, floral design, photography, and environmental issues, so there is abundant cross-fertilization and a lot of learning at our meetings.
The group is comprised of a number of Rutgers Master Gardeners and native plant enthusiasts of all experience levels. At our monthly meetings we plan field trips to various native plant gardens and parks both in and out of county. We share our personal garden experiences as well as do research and share topics of interest with the group.
We also believe in educating residents about native plants by actively reaching out into the county with educational programs, displays, a speakers bureau, and by participating in township plant swaps. Members also maintain several community gardens in Sussex County. Every year the Sussex Chapter staffs an educational table at the New Jersey State Fair in August.
We welcome any and all folks interested in learning more about native plants to join our meetings where we feature various speakers and lively discussion. You are also invited to accompany us on our field trips here in beautiful Sussex County and beyond.
The NPSNJ Sussex Chapter usually meets on the first Monday of every month at 7pm in person at the Sussex-Wantage Library, 69 County Road 639, Wantage. There is no meeting in December or January.
Recent Sussex Chapter Meetings
11/18/24 – Heather Housekeeper, hiker, herbalist and forager, was our guest speaker at the November meeting. It was our final, in person meeting of 2024.

— Photo by member Lynne Dubnoff following the presentation as Heather was answering a question from Lyne, our Sussex Chapter Field Trip Coordinator.
9/9/23 – The September meeting is scheduled for Monday, 9/9 at 7pm at the Sussex Wantage Library. We’ll share news from the successes and troubles of our own 2024 gardens. We’ll also plan another “Plant In” at Lusscroft Farms when the donated native plants from NJ DEP arrive.
7/1/24 – July meeting will be Monday, July 1st at the Sussex-Wantage Library, 7pm. I hope we will see you all there!
Our June 10th meeting is cancelled. The library is not available due to a scheduled maintenance project in our meeting room.
Sussex Chapter Summer Events
6/1/24 – Farmside Garden Center’s Pollinators Day – Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 9am to 5pm. Native plant talks at 10:30am, 12:30pm, and 2:30pm.
5/18/24 – Woodbourne Park Plant Swap – Saturday, May 18, 2024 between 9am and noon. Our Chapter will be tabling at the pavilion.
Ongoing Projects

- December 2023 – Chapter Members Kathy Baklarz and Nancy Caulfield designed and installed the main display case in the lobby of the Sussex Wantage Library, home of our regular monthly meetings. The display will run for the month of December and includes information about the Native Plant Society, many local native plant specimens, and suggested books for learning more about the value of growing natives. (Photo below taken 12/1/23 completing the cabinet.)
- Our first in-person meeting of 2024 – Monday, 2/5/24 at 7pm at the Sussex-Wantage branch of the Sussex County Library. Guest speaker is Robert Somes, Senior Zoologist of NJDEP’s Division of Fish and Wildlife discussing his group’s work with threatened and endangered species in NJ (Photo below).
- March 2024 – The March 4th meeting of the Sussex chapter will feature a program given by NPS and NABA member, Sharon Wander, who will present, “Making Your Property Pollinator Friendly.”Join us at 7pm at the Sussex-Wantage Library. (Photo below.)
- March 2024 – Spring Clean-up at the Sister Moon Garden at Lusscroft Farms. (Photo above)
- April 2024 – The magic of the Monarch butterfly’s migration will be presented on April 1st. Diane Tassey, a former naturalist and researcher for the Monarch Monitoring Project managed by NJ Audubon in Cape May, will speak about the tagging project as well as conservation, nectar, habitat, population status, life cycle, latest research, their Mexican winter habitat, and spring migration. Find out more about these “royal” insects at the Sussex Wantage library, 69 County Road 639, Wantage, at 7 PM.

Introducing March Meeting speaker, Sharon Wander –photo by Lynn Dubnoff
Some Prior Year Chapter Activities

Alana, Mary, April, Bonnie, Johanna, and Sharon at Bowman’s.

Photo by Lynn Dubnoff

Photo by Tanya Stark

Photo by Turner Striffler