Hello from the Hudson County Chapter!
The Hudson County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey is dedicated to supporting a healthy ecosystem and sustaining urban wildlife habitats within our diverse communities. Our hope is to help educate and empower our neighbors about how important native plants are to maintaining biodiversity.
We host events (both in person and virtual) that generate interest and wonder about native plants, insects, birds, pollinators and other local wildlife. Together we will discover and enjoy the fascinating nature within our own backyards, parks, and trails.
Please support our events on social media, share our information with your friends in Hudson County, and come explore with us. If you have an idea for an event, please reach out to us at .
Join our WhatsApp group for more updates.
Interested in volunteering at events with NPSNJ Hudson?
Springtime is almost here! The Hudson Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey (NPSNJ) could use volunteers to help us at several springtime events. These events will be a mix of set up, talking with the public, sharing information about native plants, and more.
Locations and other details will be shared once we confirm volunteers. Please indicate your interest below, and we will be in touch.
Thank you.
Dawn Giambalvo, Lorraine Freeney, and Lauren Morse.