A4468/S2956: Designates and preserves Caven Point Peninsula in Liberty State Park as Natural Habitat.
Native plant enthusiasts and friends of the environment were dealt a blow when A4264/S2807, the “Liberty State Park Conservation, Recreation, and Community Inclusion Act,” was passed and signed by the Governor, allowing commercial development of Liberty State Park but we still have a chance to save Caven Point Natural Area. Senator Brian P. Stack introduced A4264/S2807 as natural habitat and the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is essential that we preserve this critical habitat along the Atlantic flyway for 120 species of resident and migratory birds, the largest uninterrupted stretch of natural waterfront between the Verrazano and George Washington Bridges. Please contact both your state representative and state senator and ask them to work to advance this bill. You can read news stories about this bill at the Jersey Journal and the New Jersey Monitor.
Find your state representative and senator here.
Please mark your calendar Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10am for the Friends of Liberty State Park walk to Caven Point on its opening day of the season, to support the Caven Point protection bill.
There is more information about Caven Point including a fact sheet, slide show, video, news stories, etc. at Friends of Liberty State Park, www.folsp.org.