Jesse Connor, co-leader of our Southeast Chapter, has a beautiful woodland garden. She says “Our yard is bursting with natives and brings us so much joy. It’s fun to have the time to explore the plants, insects, and wildlife more closely.”
She is sharing with us 4 videos of woodland shade plants and groundcovers for home native landscaping.
Four Native Viburnums for the Home GardenThree Native Groundcovers. Tiarella (Foam Flower), Creeping Phlox and Christmas Fern are 3 good choices to have in a native landscape garden. These 3 understory plants are described in this native landscaping segment.Two diminutive ground covers, Canada Mayflower and Dwarf Cinquefoil are described here for the home native landscape garden.Two self seeding plants, Woodland poppy and Lyre-leaved Sage are described in this segment of Home Native Landscaping.