Episode 19 is now available on Spotify,
Apple, Google, and Amazon
The WildStory: A Podcast of Poetry and Plants
by the Native Plant Society of New Jersey
Hosted by Ann E. Wallace, PhD
Poet Laureate of Jersey City
Co-host Kim Correro,
Rutgers Master Gardener and Director of State Programs
Special Contributor Dr. Randi Eckel
Entomologist and Vice President of Membership NPSNJ
Do you have a question about native plants for Randi?
Our featured poet is James Crews, (0:3:54) who speaks with Ann Wallace about his new book, Unlocking the Heart: Writing for Mindfulness, Courage, and Compassion from Mandala Publishing. James offers wisdom about all that we can learn from the natural world, when we allow ourselves to quiet the ever-present din, open our senses, and refocus our attention. Knowing this is easier said than done, James generously offers a prompt for mindfulness and writing after every poem in his collection, inviting each of us to develop our own observational and reflective practice. Trust us, this is a conversation you need to calm your anxieties and appreciate the awe and wonder that accompany us, always.
In Ask Randi, Dr. Randi Eckel, (0:35:52) our native plant expert and owner of Toadshade Wildflower Farm, answers questions from listeners about the iconic American Holly, the Winterberry Holly, and the Inkberry Holly. She clears up some confusion about straight species vs. cultivars and talks about the crucial role these plants play in the ecosystem, as they provide vital food and shelter for wildlife, particularly during winter.
Also in this episode, Ann and Kim talk with Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick (0:48:24) of Pinelands Nursery, one of the largest native plant nurseries in the country, about their popular podcast Native Plants Healthy Planet. They tell us how creating the podcast has offered the best ecological education they ever could have imagined. Coming up on their 250th episode, Fran and Tom remind us that being approachable, curious, and joyful is the best way to bring people together to create a healthier planet.
In our final segment, Ann and Kim are joined by urban naturalist and author Joanna Brichetto. (1:14:44) Joanna talks with us from her home in Nashville, Tennessee about her new book, This Is How A Robin Drinks: Urban Essays on Nature recently published by Trinity University Press. Joanna also writes the popular urban nature blog Sidewalk Nature: Everyday Wonders in Everyday Habitat Loss. She shares how observing the local wildlife just outside her door has impacted her in so many ways, even helping her cope with debilitating migraines. At the end of our conversation, she leaves us with a lovely observation about New Jersey’s state flower the Common Blue Violet.
In celebration of the holidays, listeners of The WildStory will receive 20% off Unlocking the Heart by James Crews and This Is How A Robin Drinks by Joanna Brichetto. To access the discount codes go to www.npsnj.org/Thewildstory or follow the podcast on Instagram at @TheWildStory_Podcast.
Thank you for joining us on The WildStory. We are grateful to our listeners and extraordinary guests for your support. We will see you for season three beginning in February 2025.