Using Plant Habitat Preferences To Your Advantage

by Joseph Russell, owner, Summersweet Native Plants

Originally aired on November 16, 2020
Presented by the Southeast Chapter of NPSNJ

The Southeast Chapter’s final webinar of falls 2020 features one of our Chapter’s most knowledgeable advocates for native plants. Joseph Russell, owner of Summersweet Native Plants Nursery in Mays Landing, will be sharing tips on how to match particular native plants to your landscape. 

Joe holds degrees in biology and natural resources and has trained in landscape design, plant propagation, plant identification, and control of invasive plants through the Ecological Gardening Certificate program at the Mt. Cuba Center. He has published papers on native plants management and state wildlife management areas.  

His nursery focuses on plants native to the mid-Atlantic and northeastern regions.  

In this presentation, Joe will explore different environmental conditions that you may have in your yard. He will focus on plant communities, eco-regions, environmental factors affecting plant growth, and plant characteristics that make some plants better suited than others for your landscape. 

Included here is a very nice summary in outline form of the concepts and plants mentioned in the webinar. Also included are books and other resources. webinar summary.

Of the plants mentioned, this website has some excellent Plant Profiles & Photos on: Spicebush,   Common Milkweed,   Cardinal Flower,   Silky Dogwood.  

The recording starts off with an introduction to the NPSNJ and then procedes to the presentation and followed by Q&A.  

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