by Don Torino,
President of Bergen County Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
Originally presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting, March 5, 2022
Learn how to make your backyard a critical wildlife habitat for migrating birds and pollinators. With the focus on the importance of native plants and how important they are to the environment.
Bio: Don Torino is President of Bergen County Audubon Society, the local chapter of the national Audubon Society. He grew up the Meadowlands, which is where he learned to love the natural world. Don worked for Wild birds Unlimited in Paramus for 23 years as the store naturalist, and during that time, he designed over 500 backyard wildlife habitats. Today he still resides in the Meadowlands, where he leads nature walks throughout the year, runs educational programs on everything from butterflies to birds, and works at Bergen Audubon’s public native plant habitat projects around the area.
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It starts off with an introduction to the NPSNJ and then proceeds to the presentation.