Webinar Recordings

In 2020 COVID-19 prevented us from meeting in person so we initiated a series of Webinars. We intend to continue with these and have a large library of videos, listed below. You can also follow our YouTube channel here.

2/12/2025Carolyn SummersKeystone Plants to Restore Insect Populations
1/15/2025Randi EckelThe Art & Science of Growing Native Plants from Seed: Why, When and How with Randi Eckel
1/8/2025Elaine SilversteinGrowing Native Plants in Small Spaces presented by Elaine Silverstein
11/20/2024Kazys VarnelisDesigning at the Forest Edge: Naturalistic Approaches with Native Plants
11/2/2024NPSNJ PanelRooted in New Jersey – Fall Conference 2024 – Tree Ordinances
11/2/2024Ian CatonRooted in New Jersey – Fall Conference 2024 – Understory
11/2/2024Basil CamuRooted in New Jersey – Fall Conference 2024 – Growing Native Trees
11/2/2024John EvangelistaRooted in New Jersey – Fall Conference 2024 – Miyawaki Forests
11/2/2024Kazys VarnelisRooted in New Jersey – Fall Conference 2024 – Welcome & Introduction
10/15/2024Bill YoungA River Runs Through It: Restoration of Highly Contaminated Sites in NJ
10/9/2024Pat SuttonHow to Create a No-Fuss Wildlife Pond (Available until November 9th, 2024)
9/18/2024Dan Jaffe WilderBuilding Resilient Landscapes
5/15/2024Sarah Paulsen and Dena CorbinConnecting Kids to Nature: Creating and Maintaining School Gardens
4/19/2024Randi EckelWho’s in Your Garden? The Life and Times of Insects All Around Us II
3/20/2024Todd BittnerCultivating a Sustainable Future: The Cornell Botanic Gardens Native Lawn
2/21/2024Tom BiebighauserVernal Pool Construction and Restoration
1/17/2024Jared RosenbaumWild Plant Culture: Restoring Native Edible and Medicinal Plant Communities
12/6/2023Bob SpragueOrchids of the New Jersey Pine Barrens
11/4/2023Pedram DaneshgarMaritime Forests: New Jersey’s Most Threatened Ecosystem
(2023 Fall Conference)
11/4/2023Hubert LingRare & Uncommon Plants of the Piedmont
(2023 Fall Conference)
11/4/2023Noah CharneyReading Our Landscapes: The Highlands
(2023 Fall Conference)
11/4/2023Emile D. DeVitoFrom Canada to Carolina—700 Miles Crammed into One State!
New Jersey’s Rich Forest Biodiversity.

(2023 Fall Conference)
10/18/2023Garrett WhiteRestoration at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
09/20/2023Deb EllisSustaining Wildlife in Fall & Winter Gardens
09/19/2023Erin CordGardening For the Bats of New Jersey
05/17/2023Eve BeaurySeeding Ecosystems for the Future
04/19/2023Randi EckelWho’s In Your Garden? The Life And Times Of Insects And Others All Around Us
03/15/2023Uli LorimerNative Plants for Your Garden: Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Own Backyard
03/04/2023Carlos Martinez RamirezThe Fire Nation
(2023 Annual Meeting)
03/04/2023Sam DroegeWild Bees are Picky: How the 450 Native Bees in New Jersey Divide up the Plant World
(2023 Annual Meeting)
03/04/2023Becky LaboySoil – The Foundation of Life on Earth
(2023 Annual Meeting)
03/04/2023Kristi MacDonaldUrban Biodiversity: The New Jersey Meadowlands
(2023 Annual Meeting)
03/04/20232023 Annual Meeting Entire Proceedings
02/15/2023Steve KutosPartners for Life: Fungi & Plants
01/18/2023Elaine SilversteinNaturescaping Based on Nature
11/05/2022Teri SpeightDependable Beauty for the Urban Gardener
11/05/2022Sue BartonStrategies for Sustainable Landscaping
10/19/2022Sam HoadleyKnock Out Natives
09/22/2022Pandora YoungHome Landscapes for Our Changing Future
05/18/2022Mike Van ClefNative Plants and the Invasive Plants They Replace
04/27/2022Kate Brandes Native Plants for the Small Yard
03/05/2022Doug Tallamy The Nature of Oaks
03/05/2022 Jay KellyAddressing the Impacts of Overabundant Deer and Invasive Plant Species in Northern New Jersey: Strategies for Forest Restoration
03/05/2022Don Torino Creating a Certified Wildlife Garden
03/05/2022Rebecca McMackin Brooklyn Bridge Park Lessons (so far!) in Constructed Ecology
02/16/2022Joe AlvarezAn Introduction to Xeriscape Gardening
02/09/2022Steve Kutos Partners for Life: Fungi & Plants
01/18/2022Bobbie J. Herbs & Randi V. Wilfert Eckel Backyard Transformation in Just 3 years: Re-creating Nature
01/12/2022Becky Laboy Unique Plants and Wildflowers of Barrens and Bogs
12/07/2021Becky Laboy Meet and explore Jersey Friendly Yards. Learn how to attract and sustain natural habitat for bees, butterflies and birds!
11/23/2021Charlotte LorickMilkweed to Meadowlarks: How Private Land Stewards can Lead the Way in Biodiversity Conservation
11/09/2021Mary Anne Borge Plant Ecology: Why Are Plants Important?
11/06/2021James Boyer The Dawn of Ecosystems
11/06/2021Joan Maloof Recognizing and Protecting Ancient Forests
11/06/2021Nancy Slowik Basic Plant ID
10/19/2021Mary Reynolds We are the Ark – Acts of Restorative Kindness to the Earth
09/22/2021Tom Knezick & Fran ChismarBring on the Bugs! The Importance of Native Plants & How to get your Neighbors Onboard
08/12/2021Becky LaboyWildlife-Friendly Native Shrubs and Trees for Your Backyard
07/24/2021Becky LaboyDon’t Treat your Soil Like Dirt!
06/16/2021Rachel MackowNative Plants For Moths
05/17/2021Sara WebbThe Diverse Forests of New Jersey: Ecology, Threats, and Restoration
05/05/2021Mary Anne Borge Spreading the Word Beyond the Choir
04/21/2021Deb EllisBloodroot, Bluebells and Butterflies: Spring Beauties for Biodiversity
04/19/2021Lucia RuggerioRain Gardens: Can You Dig It?
03/30/2021Dennis HillerudNative Gardening for Beginners
03/15/2021Marilyn SobelPlants of the Pine Barrens
03/10/2021Elaine SilversteinSustainability in the Home Garden
03/06/2021Elaine SilversteinDesigning and Planting with Native Plants: Creating a Native Plant Garden
03/06/2021Leslie SauerNurturing Nature During Climate Change
02/15/2021Dan DuranWe Can’t See The Woods For The Trees: To Save Biodiversity We Must Change Our Views On Forest
01/27/2021Joe AlvarezWinter Botany 101
11/18/2020Carolyn SummersNative Plants for 21st Century Gardens: Ending Invasive Exotic Landscape Clutter
11/16/2020Joseph RussellUsing Plant Habitat Preferences To Your Advantage
10/21/2020David HughesDesigning Tidy Native Gardens
09/16/2020Mike Van Clef Deer-Resistant Native Plants for Your Garden